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  2. Your Biomarker Questions

AMA Episode 4

In this episode, Dr. Weatherby and Beth Ellen answer a number of questions submitted by the ODX software users and people in the FBCA Mastery Certification Program

Please see the timing of the questions below the video so you can jump to the answers to individual questions in the video and audio below.

Here's a breakdown of the AMA questions in this session and the timing in the audio below:

AMA Q1 (0:00:00)

Why would high globulin be due to hypochlorhydria and low globulin also be due to digestive dysfunction secondary to HCL deficiency? If there were hypochlorhydria, one would assume digestive dysfunction.

AMA Q2 (0:07:39)

I have a question about albumin and globulin. So, albumin and globulin are both produced in the liver, but if the liver is under-functioning, the production of albumin may be low. However, if there is liver cell damage, the production of globulin may be high?

Why is the globulin not low like it is for albumin, as logically you would think that it affects globulin production as well? Why is the opposite true here?

AMA Q3 (0:12:48)

If BUN is formed from protein metabolism, and low BUN is a sign of a low protein diet, malabsorption, or pancreatic insufficiency,

why is High BUN a sign of Hypochlorhydria, which would lead to low protein? (Is this related to dysbiosis?

AMA Q4 (0:14:08)

The ODX software reports "serum copper" but in my reading, it seems like "RBC copper" is a better marker.... I'd love to know why this is and if Dr. W has an optimal range and more info on "RBC copper".

AMA Q5 (0:17:30)

What is the difference between serum Cu & Zn vs RBC Cu & Zn and when to run what?   

I'm starting to run ceruloplasmin on women and many times it comes back elevated but then their Cu levels are ok.  Is there a site or research that Dr. W can recommend for me to learn more about this relationship and what the optimal values for these?

AMA Q6 (0:24:33)

Is it worthwhile to request a blood smear to look for Reactive Lymphocytosis, in patients with (suspected) inflammatory conditions? This would be in addition to a CRP, ESR, or a Rheumatology panel, etc.

AMA Q7 (0:29:09)

I always almost see an above optimal MPV (though in the 'normal' range) with a optimal platelet count. Can you shed more light on this please?

AMA Q8 (0:32:43)

What is the best way for people to get Anion Gap into the optimal range?

AMA Q9 (0:36:39)

Other than Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, what are other causes of elevated pregnenolone?

AMA Q10 (0:38:46)

We always see ‘urea’ referred to in results from tests here [Australia] – is this the same as ‘uric acid’ in the software?

AMA Q11 (0:41:50)

I often see an elevated serum B12. What is driving elevated levels of serum B12 when other markers indicate a B12 need or B12 deficiency?

I am assuming assimilation as there may be low B12 in the cell but high outside the cell. What could be done to help improve assimilation?

AMA Q12 (0:45:42)

Could Ferritin be elevated in a fasting test due to a fast of longer than 13 hours?

Ferritin being an acute phase reactant, how high can it actually go up before one considers something else going on besides inflammation? I've have seen levels of 900 ng/ml. Some research I've done seems to suggest that in order for high ferritin to be considered hemochromatosis, one should first check saturation levels as this is a better indicator of hemochromatosis and not just iron overload.

So, it seems that it is the protein itself that is the acute phase reactant irrespective of iron amount. Right?

AMA Q13 (0:50:11)

Can you provide more info on Immature Grans (abs) test? I don't see it anywhere in the ODX application

AMA Q14 (0:52:31)

I'm curious as to the value of the absolute count vs the percentage count. What is the clinical significance of either measurement? When would one pay more attention to one than the other?

AMA Q15 (0:54:59)

As a Health Coach who is not allowed to discuss “diagnoses” - how do other health coaches “dance” around that to stay legal and compliant?”

AMA Q16 (0:59:19)

Is TIBC the same as Transferrin?

AMA Q17 (01:00:23)

Could you discuss a typical biomarker pattern observable in cases of Pancreatic Exocrine Insufficiency?

AMA Episode 4 Audio Archive